Almost 30 years after receiving the last letter from her pen-pal, Jessica Stuart returns to Japan to try and solve the mystery of her long-lost friend, Fukue. #CBCShortDocs
Produced in Association with Real Stories.
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It’s a mystery that spans decades, continents and cultures, and bridges one Toronto woman’s life with her childhood in Japan: what happened to Fukue?
In 1988, Jessica Stuart was nine years old. Her family embarked on a cultural odyssey that would greatly influence her life: the Stuarts dug up their middle-class roots in Vancouver’s Jewish community and replanted them in a rural Japanese town called Saku for a year.
It was during this absorbing year that Jessica met Fukue, a bright and bubbly girl with rosy red cheeks and an endless smile. Fukue and Jessica became like sisters, spending their days frolicking in the autumn leaves, dancing under snow-blanketed trees, watching hot air balloons illuminate the skyline in spring and sneaking through rice paddies in early summer.
Strangely, Fukue never invited Jessica to visit her family home. One day after school, Jessica insisted. Fukue reluctantly brought Jessica to her house; it was a derelict shack on the outskirts of town. Shocked and disturbed, Jessica started to make sense of the name-calling and bullying that Fukue suffered at school.
As the Stuarts’ year in Japan came to an end, Jessica and Fukue assured one another they would keep in touch. They became pen pals, writing letters back and forth for two years, until the letters from Fukue stopped — with no explanation.
Now a musician in her 30s, Jessica has never forgotten Fukue. Her memories of their time together are beautiful, but haunting. And so her thoughts turn to the unknown. Where is Fukue now? Does she remember Jessica? Why did her letters stop all those years ago?
Now, nearly 30 years after she left Japan, Jessica is going back to find the answers to these questions. She’s going to find Fukue.
A special thanks to The Stuart Family, Norie-Ichikawa Doyle and Saku City Junior High School.
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I hope I can find my best friend Jason One Day.
Wow,this story really got my ❤️ heart.
sylentshooter I can’t believe I’m texting you about something so petty but what you wrote was even more petty. If your just a kid I apologize. I sure hope my spelling and punctuation are not going to send you off the deep end. Anyway she simply asked where she went to high school. WOW just be silent ,shooter
nigling you can purchase lots of cheap friends cheap in California,if you say you don’t like Trump. The best we have by the way. TRUMP 2020. And it won’t cost a dime,also might get you some good friends.
toddvandell85 I think your just not picking up what Ken narville is putting down. I would like to think what Ken is trying to say is if people don’t want to talk to you then they don’t. It’s that simple. He is trying to be funny while also saying she just didn’t want to write or talk anymore. That’s my take on the subject,while you try to turn it into a racist comment.
Finding nemo
Finding dory
Finding fukue
Finding Fukue is the only one i care about out of the three because its real
When is coming out?
Who’s gone be next
@insanity 666 Ha.
@Jean Pierre Polnareff ha.
She felt nostalgic for a childhood friend that befriended her when she was lonely…, those type of feelings u don’t forget
@Ken narville if you wish to be left alone don’t leave inflammatory comments in a place that will be seen. How old are you by way? I’m guessing you are a young person. I don’t know what you have against the Japanese but it could have been India, Germany, etc. where her parents took her. The point was she never forgot her childhood friend.
@Sandy Beach you’re well all toxics in YT. Jessica do,’t know what kind of person are really japanese that’s it.
@Ken narville Ok boomer
Ken narville ??
Dude, the picture of them leaning together as kids can’t be more perfect for this story.
Lovely picture representing a life long friendship.
So true. Very sweet.
I know right? That picture is taken perfectly. It symbolizes their friendship beautifully.
That’s anime right there…
It’s so poetic 🤧
Imagine how this must have been from Fukue’s perspective. She’s going about her life, having made the best of herself and living well. Life is good. Then all of a sudden your sister calls you up and is like “yeah so your best friend from childhood literally came here looking for you because she misses you and wants to reconnect.” Like. Just having an ordinary life and thinking the next day will be the same when suddenly you’re having this emotional meeting with someone very important to you who you never thought you’d even hear from again.
So happy to see this worked out the way it did!
EDIT: I forgot to mention, I love that photo of them both standing back to back. They look like sisters, related or not. That’s exactly the kind of picture I’d expect to see with me and my sisters 😛
I was happy being alone at home when I watched this video because I was crying the whole time. Only at the end I was able to dry my tears. And then I read your comment and it startet all over again. Beautifully written.
@RioMuc stay stong.
I can remember some Japanese as a child….Speaks the entire language
Ya….but wondered what happened to Fukue’s home? Like….was she poor to the point she lived like povo? Or her family just don’t believe in cleaning? Wonder what the deal was with her parents when she was younger?
despite Fukue’s struggle and bullying… she turned out just fine with a happy family. thank you for sharing your friendship with us.
@Ken narville yeah. And I wonder where did all your comments go
@Jovan Lee it isn’t your concern stupid weaboo
“And the LORD will provide for those who grieve … to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor” Isaiah 61:3
I mean, she probably isn’t completely fine from a mental health standpoint. But she has a great support structure so she has more than a lot of people who struggled with bullying nearly their entire childhood.
It is a story of genuine humanity. My both eyes were full of
tears in watching this video clip. If people think like this, we can make a
beautiful world.
Have a beautiful life, Bimal!
Thank you for sharing I thought I was the only man crying over this
Their like soulmates . Sometimes soulmate can be ur friend for life 💕
@rex 2992 jackie chan lookin hella young
@jaeminctot21 winwinctot21 trruuuue, but actually what is bruce lee doing in your profile pic?
@rex 2992 he’s breathing
Thank you not just a person you be intimate with
I envy their friendship connection. I’ve never felt that with anyone .
Same 😔
Love your mother like a friend and mom
@Eddie Valdi What if their parents aren’t the best?
Same same ,but yet I hate humans so to be expected 😂😂😂😂
I definitely wasn’t expecting this to be a happy ending! I’m too used to murder mysteries & true crime lol.
I’m so happy they were able to reunite!! Sad, but beautiful story. ❤️
Same here. I’m glad fukue is fine. Man I was afraid that she may committed suicide due to bullying.
Lmao same
My grandma had a pen pal from Japan when she was younger, and she gave me a pair of shoes she received from her pen pal.
@Skye cats!, did they meet? Are the still pen pals? Did they stop writing to each other?
@Skye cats! howd it go?
@ZeXplain 1 oh they stayed friends for a long time sadly the girl my grandma was pen pals with died in a car accident.
Skye cats! Wtf?!?!!!!!!!
@Mrx x lol
This gives me hope to find my best friend that left school, he went on my bus and I could’ve had that one chance to hug him and say goodbye but I was so scared of the thought I would never see him again, he was always so shy and cute I always still to this day think of him and it’s been a long 5 years since I’ve seen him. I gave him my number so he could call me whenever so every time I get an unknown number pop up on my phone I always answer with hope it’s him, I will find him one day and give him that hug
Edit: hey guys I have a really good update, one of his friends had told me he has loved out of all social media so he hasn’t seen my messages but his friend told him about me and my username on Instagram and he logged on! He instantly remembered me and we had a whole conversation on how things have changed so much in our lives, I’m so happy to be in contact again this really does mean a lot to me and thank you guys for all the support 💗 I finally found my best friend 💕
@Minecraftveteran good luck!
I’m happy for you! o(^▽^)o
I’m so happy for you!!!
I had a friend like this, but she was so depressed, she had to leave. I tried to help, it just didn’t work. I hope I find her.
I’ve only recently found this comment and you might not care about this anymore but I’m so glad you found the friend you were looking for! The world is big, but you’ve managed to find someone important to you! I wish you both all the best, though I’m a complete stranger.
at first i thought it was gonna be a sad documentary and finding out she was murdered.
@Kyo Mebi
In the suicide Forrest
me too… i was actually expecting something worse.
Thank God, we were wrong.
@Ken narville how is it even weaboo??? the hell???
This has to be a live action anime. The perfect photo to go with the perfect title, “Finding Fukue”, the emotional buildup with the suspense on whether she would find her friend or not and having the ability to make me shed tears.
Big brain big
I think it’s suitable to be an anime movie,directed by Makoto Shinkai & the musics done by Radwimps
“live action anime” makes no sense. it’s either animated or its not
miss kobayashi we got a new season
What a heart warming story. I thoroughly enjoyed it and was hoping she would find her friend after all the years. I’m 73 years old, and have thought about friends I’ve had, friends who have passed, and new friends. Friends come for all kinds of reasons, some for a moment, some for a season, and some for a lifetime. I am so happy for both of you! Namaste…from John in Texas
jgintx awwww, I loved how you thought about your own friends 🙂 <3
Very sweet indeed
Well, namaste from India!
Namaste is Hindi I think XD, but this is heartwarming
So does that mean I can find my dad?
I wish to find my Real parents..
@Shinoe Xen They don’t want you mong.
Your dad is out training
@H υπερηφάνεια του Ποσειδώνα I don’t understand what you mean, you are speaking the language of the gods.
@JÄMÏË_SNÏPËZ how is it funny boi
Today at “Crying your eyes out at a computer screen” we present to you: Finding Fukue! (napkins not included)
it’s a selfish pursuit … I find it distasteful
I cried tears of joy I use my hand to wipe away my tears my wife was laughing at me she said that is the reason why I married you my husband you have a great heart and soul lmbo
@Andre Cureton and then your neighbors came out , one by one, clapping.
I’m gonna sue you for not having napkins >:(
“when halloween comes around, i always think of jess” 🥺🥺
Her: Finding Fukue
Me: Finding Tissues
This was great, thank you for sharing your amazing reunion.
you can hear how sad fukue was talking about being bullied