“We must not speak with unfamiliar people.” Malavika Varadan, challenges this societal standard, by presenting 7 ways making discussion with any person.
RJ extraordinaire, Malavika Varadan, produces waves fairly literally with her morning show, Breakfast No. 1 on City 101.6. A passionate physical fitness fanatic, positivity ninja and drama queen, she has actually carved a benchmark in the radio market. At TEDxBITSPilaniDubai she will certainly decide to redefine connections.
This talk was offered at a TEDx event using the TED seminar format but separately arranged by a regional area.
make the vid speed 1.5 thank me later
It’s 3 months later… And Thank you.
Thx bro…
thx m8
watch it over in this speed its the best
thanks man !
i can normally start a good conversation. but i have no idea how to
continue it for a long time i mean i cant build a relation
Sounds like you’re not really interested in the person you’re talking to.
+Archie Woosنة ةنت رung
+David C Thats informative , thanks .
me tho
that also happens with me generally when many people are around me … but
i just interrogate and try to take the talk to a level when the person next
to me do not calls me dumb…its hard
well… if you want to talk to anyone, it helps to look like her. If you
want to talk to anyone, they need to want to talk to you. If a guy walks up
to a girl and says hi, there is a good chance she will respond with: “Go
away” or something similar. The fear of talking to strangers is a natural
instinct. She also doesn’t understand that guys doesn’t talk as much as
girls. This is like listening to a child talk about the difficulties of
+SlackHax I can sympathize with your point of your view, but that just your
take on the world and not everyone else’s. Some people are actually
genuinely interested in what other people have to say and meeting other
people. Some girls are bitches, some guys are assholes, that’s just how it
goes in my opinion. You will always find a downer no matter were you go.
You have your personal preference with what you want to do with your time,
I too, would also sit on the bus, or wherever and listen to music, but i
also have my moods where i can strike up a conversation with the person
beside me. I think its all about context. To each his own though.
+wibblemu9 Also, some girls are assholes, and some guys are bitches, and
some people are *both* 🙂
+Chinedu Opara Point taken
perfect example, the childcare thing
she’s amazing
i’d let her marry my son but i dont have one and im not even married
you can’t even spell ‘perfectly’ so it seems you are a failure and probably
even in your own language
become her friend (Facebook counts , for starters at least ) true
friendship is one of the most valuable things that exist. if she is worth
it then you wont regret becoming friends with her and you will never know
unless you try .
Batool She’s sexy 😉
Batool c and
Can we all take a moment and appreciate how beautiful she is
i can’t concentrate, im focused on her..
RGBrush Colours really? I don’t think you can really have a choice
considering you’re watching this video? no disrespect yo
Lande Raxial she Aight
She’s… okay… unless you’re a thirsty mofo.
Lande Raxial she’s got the symmetra accent
Girls are allowed to speak in Dubai?
women can talk can drive can vote can own land can own business can be jet
fighters you name it only in saudi arabia they’re not allowed to drive as
the Minister of Saudi arabia said himself :its not religion its cultural
and women will have the right to drive in the near future”, infact Muslim
women was the first women to have the right to vote and own a land way
before any other part of the world. and an example the oldest continuous
university is built by a Muslim women,,, so stop watching the Media and
come visit and see yourself
if you read about other religion books you’ll see that islam is the most
fair to women ( example about something the media doesnt show you these are
all from the bible “I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority
over a man; she is to remain quiet” and “Let your women keep silence in the
churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are
commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will
learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for
women to speak in the church.” and also the bible says that the women who
doesnt cover her head must shave it off, and much much more but thats
enough while in islam its mentiond that heaven is under your mom’s feet,
and that whom ever has a daughter she’s a door to heaven and quote “And for
women are rights over men similar to those of men over women.” and it gave
them the rights to own and vote…etc before any other culture or religion
Hardned I didn’t know all of those things. Thank you for posting.
hahahahaha what year are you living in?
Jay Arfa lol. she can drive
its so awkward when she makes a joke and nobody laughs
Majd Bishara ikr, what a dead crowd
Majd Bishara Fr 😂
Plot twist, there’s no one there
what a dead audience
first fix your grammar
poor presentation!!! 😀
+fight me ill cyka .. no!
I think it’s just an empty room. Speaking to cameras. With recorded
applause at the end.
Plot twist she walks off stage and never talks to anyone that whole day
yes I am XD
don’t take me seriously, listen to her.
I did. It’s too bad that you think there is something wrong with engaging
with new people:)
Cha Robertson to do that
Cha Robertson
i just dont know how to keep a conversation . Whatever i try , i guess im a
Now I’m a woman and look decent, but what I’ll tell you is from reading a
lot on the subject. I have had a hard time interacting with people. My
approach is: 1. when walking up to people have a small smile on your lips
and when I greet them (“Hey”), I smile a little more (people are much more
approachable – and it seems like you are smiling more because you are
talking to them.) 2. Then I politely state my business (“I was wondering if
I may …”, “Wow, that’s really nice.” or some other small talk – use the
environment and relevant information at your disposal). 3. I listen really
well to what they are saying, so I can ask questions later – and impress
them with my memory later (“So that thing X was when you were abroad last
year?”). 4. And don’t interrupt – people have more to say then they even
realize themselves. Silence forces the other party to share. (If this is
not the case, look at body language: is the body and feet facing away – do
you have the feeling they want to leave? Are they leaning forward and seem
to want to engage?) 5. Also share, but listen mostly. I personally talk to
much, but after I tried tuning into others and following these steps which
work for me I easily make connections and I feel that others want to talk
to me.
Yael Choleva
y’r right
You are whatever you say you are…I don’t think you are…keep in mind
that there are times when saying less is more and most people who talk too
much are just nervous and insecure with the silent gaps 🙂 She does have
good points though about making connections with others…it just takes
practice. Good luck and be well 🙂
Zineb Pavarotti damn rightly said
Rule 1: Be attractive
Rule 2: Don’t be unattractive
Slimecrazy234 girl you summed it up
Did you post this on another video?
Thomas clueso Huebner u
Well you seriously don’t know “what’s the worst that can happen” ..
get scolded for being a bother, get scammed, get drugged, get hit, get
fucked, get kidnapped, get shot, get exploded by a terrorist waiting to
“allahu akbar” something, or get abducted by the person who is actually an
alien waiting to abduct the first lil fucker who talks to him/her/it
+Chong Hang get rekt
Especially in India…
I don’t meet any strangers because I am always at home and I never had a
real conversation with anyone because I suffer from mutism.
+Dhruv1223 Thank you for your comment. I finally realized that it’s no use
wasting my time and waiting the whole life for one single person – maybe he
is not worth it. In fact, I know someone in particular who I really like
(and he likes me, too) but I never payed my attention to him because I
always wanted to marry the other guy … (maybe this was a mistake). Two days
ago I discovered the female YouTuber Banana Jamana and noticed that she has
a similar background like me. I know it from her video “Why my voice is
weird”. Somehow I can identify with her. Also, it encourages me to see her
videos – because when she can do it, then I can do it (maybe), too.
2JuliaG good do that. if anything that guy is like me 😛 I in the past have
been really nice to a couple of girls but don’t end up in a relationship
with them because they liked someone else. that someone else turned out to
be a dickhead.
I know this is a week old but I really think you should google the youtuber
*Mikasacus* and watch his video: *The Usual.* It changed my perspective on
things as I’ve also always been very shy, but I’ve also always been able to
talk to someone if I feel like I REALLY want to talk to that person. But
that video helped me realize things, and change things.
I hope you live a lovley life and find someone who you love and who loves
+Jinado1 Thank you for writing this comment – I watched this video today.
I think that many people already experienced this kind of situation – no
matter if shy or not. Most people would be hesitating starting a
conversation even though this one could be the right person to be with (in
a relationship). It’s so frustrating sometimes to know that it could have
happened – but it didn’t. No one said a word but everyone wanted the other
one to make the first step.
And to know that there’s maybe no second chance can be even more
But nevertheless – life goes on and another chance may come along. 😉
Another chance WILL come along. Don’t live your life in regret. That will
eat you up from the inside…..I know.
My problem with conversations is that I just don’t care about other people.
I don’t ask personal questions because I generally don’t care what the
answer is. It feels dishonest to put it on.
+Spam Ham
i prefer honesty and it works too
Me too, actually. But I usually do put on a mask, talk to everyone and
smile a lot. I’m dead inside but everyone else thinks that I’m the
friendliest person in the world 😊
+Anjana Seira
lol well at least you’re very aware of it! if you don’t like it, try being
spontaneous sometime and see how it goes
That’s very sad if you just do not care. Do people care about you?
“A conversation is an adventure.” More like an anxiety-riddled obstacle
course.. hence why I am here lol.
can I have a convemesation with you?
Sounds very spot on 😂😂🤣
what is she files a rape case for just started talking to her
She only knows the experience as a young beautiful girl. It is alot more
challenging when you are a man and not that attractive.
Or maybe it’s challenging because you believe that and you look for excuses.
Girls don’t really care about guys appearance as much though. That’s why
lots of weird looking and socially awkward guys are married.
Tom White Yes they care about status and finances too ;’)
What finances lol.
Next time- 7 ways to have sex with anyone.
Or 7 ways to kill somebody, and get away with it.
plot twist…. u walk straight to her and “hey” …. shes like dang gtfo
omg that’s totally my mom
+kardrasa what do you mean ?
she might even accuse you of harrassment.
*thx feminism cof cof
how do i proceed after she says “i have a boyfriend” ?
Just say: drop that zero and get with the hero
plenty of fish in the sea mate
and there are so many fishermen too dude
damarh tell her you have a girlfriend & reassure her your conversation is
innocent. Then start over & work your way back to flirting again.
+Matthew yes