♡ university online exam season vlog || Mei-Ying Chow ♡
The video where I take you through my favouite spots of regents park, finally do my washing, read some Sally Rooney, perfect some tiktoks, make the best burritos I’ve ever made – and also my first. It’s also not a revision vlog if there isn’t a study with me segment! Learning to adjust revision to online exams was a bit weird but my emoji tactic actually helped me loads to cut down my notes and make my work easier to remember.
Last weeks video: how to get a summer internship in a big four company –
Donate to the victims …
Donate to the protestors
UK Charities …
Donate to black owned businesses …
Some other organisations
Watch this video to donate for free …
13th documentary (on Netflix and YouTube)
12 Years a slave – Amazon
When They See Us – Netflix
Dear White People – Netflix
The Hate U Give – Amazon
The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975 – Amazon
What We Weren't Taught In School …
Girl, Woman, Other – Bernardine Evaristo
Why I'm No Longer Talking To White People About Race- Reni Eddo-Lodge
I Am Not Your Baby Mother- Candice Brathwaite
The Hate U Give- Angie Thomas
So you want to talk about race? – Ijeoma Oluo
Petition link …
Kings college Chorus concert and Stamford street apartment vlog –
Unusual day at Kings uni vlog – …
Usual day at Kings college London vlog –
Oxford Uni vlog – …
Kent Uni vlog – …
UEA Uni vlog – …
Spending 24 hours in the Maughan Library Challenge –
University Q&A at KCL –
My first year round up at King’s College London –
What to pack for university vs gap year –
Welcome to kings – top tips for freshers week –
Moving into my london flat vlog –
Starting year 2 at uni vlog –
Busy thursday econ & management degree –
What I wear to uni for a week –
Sheffield uni vlog –
Revise with me – 24hrs before my exam vlog –
What to cook at uni –
2nd year average day at uni –
What I spend in a week london student –
Reading week vlog – coding course and business meetings –
quarantine study with me –
Packing list for university –
2nd year exam period vlog –
follow me!
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♡ depop: meiyingchow
business enquires:
♡ mei-ying@influencer.com
♡ £25 off airbnb
♡ £15 off ubereats
If you’ve read this far in the description, comment below if you’ve ever had a white chocolate snickers, the elite chocolate, to earn some secret Chow points!
what to do during quarantine, university vlog, online university, what to do when you’re bored, what to do in isolation, day in the life quarantine, quarantine diaries, pandemic edition, isolation vlog, day in the life of a university student, studying in england, studying at an english university, university in england, what its like at university, what its like at uni, what life is like for a university student, student day in the life, day in the life of a student, life at university, uni vlog, day in the life of a uni student vlog, university food, what to eat at uni, what i eat in a day in quarantine, exam vlog, exam season vlog, exams, revision vlog, study with me, university exams, #quarantine #lockdownvlog #exam #examseason
Good video love it…
Thank you so much ☺️ I’m so glad you enjoyed it!
I have had white chocolate snickers(I like them way better than regular snickers) but I’m gonna have to disagree agree dark or milk chocolate is better than white..
Good to have you back!! Have a lovely day💕
Ahhh they’re honestly incredible. I’m glad you’ve had the chance to try the little drops of heaven but we shall have to agree to disagree haha 😂 I do not have the adult tastebuds to appreciate dark chocolate yet but you certainly deserve 7 chow points! There’s a new video coming out tomorrow morning 😏 hope you enjoy!!
@Mei-Ying Chow that’s okay it’s definitely an acquired taste! How exciting two videos in one week! Looking forward to them!!
Yess that’s my goal – I’m loving editing and uploading again 💕🥰
I love your vlogs. You look so beautiful. Especially the mole beneath your left eyebrow.
Ah thank you so much. That’s so nice of you to say 😌 have a great day!
I go to business school in the US and from your vlogs it seems a lot harder in the UK haha you’re probably learning a lot more than I am
Ah that’s amazing- well done you! Each uni is different in the UK but kings is pretty thorough with its course content 💕
Omg so good to see you vlogging again mei Ying. The washing part gave me flashbacks to your uni washing with Ammar 😂😂 hope your exam/s went really well and can’t wait for tomorrow’s upload !
Omg yes!!! What an OG ❤️ such a good day that was running around London with my laundry hahaha thank you so much Sarosh and I hope you had a lovely day and see you tomorrow 😏💛
@Mei-Ying Chow thank you so much for your kind words, have had to rewatch your vids cus they’re so entertaining and makes my day so much better ❤️
Nice to have you back 👏Would love some content about your course for Y13s looking to go into finance at uni- especially as this year I feel like I’ve done nothing since May with no summer exams… It’d be cool to learn something and prepare !
It’s so lovely to be back!! Do you mean a little intro finance video like stocks & shares or a more general kind of video? I hope youre enjoying your weekend and the good weather ☀️
An intro to finance video would be great 👍 or tbh whatever you think would be useful to know as a new student… I only did math with no econ or business so I’m pretty clueless! Love your videos 💜
I’m so glad your back to vlogging 💜 I agree white chocolate is the best but love dark chocolate too. Milk chocolate is too clayey for me. Could I ask what you do your notes on was it OneNote? Cause I noticed your using a MacBook so I’m keen to know as MS Office is so expensive!
ChaCha H yes onenote. 🙂
I’m gonna move out next year I hope when I turn 18 next year
Hey Mei-ying! One of my friend’s sister got into Kings College London in the finance department for 3 years. She’s also doing a year abroad, in Berkeley California as her fourth year. What’s the process into applying for a year abroad? Thanks, hope you’re staying safe! :)))
Totally agree that the Normal People characters are annoying! Very powerful but also frustrating at teams to read / even more so to watch! x
Juat started reading “Normal People” and I’m loving it so far ❤
I always get so excited when you upload a vlog, love them! Just a random tip if you didn’t already know, you should be able to insert emojis using control+command+space bar so you don’t have to copy and paste! Hope you’re doing well otherwise 🤗